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Nutritional Consulting
Amanda Antunes Nutrition

The 3 moments of our 1st consultation

Integrative Questionnaire

Immersion in your routine, with health history, tastes and habits from a Typeform sent before the consultation. This way I can provide 100% individualized service prepared exclusively for you.


Consultation Day

I will study your case and we will have an online meeting lasting 1 hour in which we will talk in more depth about you and outline strategies for your case. You will be able to ask any questions you may have and we will put together your eating plan together.


Delivery of Plan 1

You will receive the 1st meal plan after 3 working days, with the possibility of asking questions and making adjustments, if necessary.

The plan structure varies depending on your needs and will have everything you need to achieve your goals.


Premium Monitoring Between Consultations

Bi-Weekly 360º Support Program

Every two weeks, you will receive a results acceleration questionnaire, in which we will investigate your difficulties, physical and mental state, adherence to the eating plan and analysis of the results!

You won't have to wait for your next appointment to receive personalized guidance!

Nutrition in the palm of your hand

360º support



Enjoy 10% discount on your first consultation
OR Zoē Plan Membership


LN, Lisbon

"I see changes in my body, I feel much less bloated and lighter. I am more enthusiastic about exercising than I could have imagined, something that seemed impossible to me before. The logic of adding, instead of restricting, has helped a lot. I would like to thank you for mending my difficult relationship with food and helping me recover my self-esteem <3"

IK, Sao Paulo

"I'm loving the support! I always thought that going to a nutritionist was synonymous with a difficult diet. I was scared and didn't know what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised! I never imagined that I would eat so much and feel healthier and more comfortable with my body. The eating plan is perfect! I'm feeling confident, seeing results and feeling in balance with food."

MM, Vancouver

“I am so glad I found Amanda and began working on a lifestyle change plan together. Her personalized approach, tailored to not only my health goals, but also my individual preferences, lifestyle, and specific needs, set my experience apart from other professionals. She was able to open my mind to a new way of eating rather than the cookie cutter recipes I had experienced in the past. I highly recommend her to anyone who wants a permanent change in their healthy eating habits without having to follow a bunch of restrictions or cookie cutter recipes.”

Multidisciplinary Team Referals

marta dias

Martha Dias

Clinical Psychologist (Certificate number: 23231)

- Integrated Master's Degree from the University Institute of Psychological, Social and Life Sciences, in Lisbon.

- Postgraduate in Psychological Coaching and Eating Disorders and Obesity.


Wpp: +351 919691589

vinicius pires

Vinicius Pires

Personal Trainer

- Bachelor's, Licentiate and Master's Degree in Physical Education and Postgraduate Degree in Nutrition and Sports Supplementation.

"I'm a vegetarian and I fight to demystify the idea that it's not possible to gain muscle mass without consuming animal protein." Specialties: hypertrophy, weight loss and postural correction.

Instagram @pt_viniciuspires


Wpp: +351 935197918

omar piotto

Omar Piotto

Personal Trainer

A great supporter and practitioner of various sports. As a Personal Trainer, he applies his experience and skills to make a difference in the results of your training anywhere, at any time. Hypertrophy, muscle development, postural correction and weight loss.

Instagram: @omarp8.personal

Wpp: +351 967757003



Personal Trainer - Based in Berlin

Her approach is a movement and training

Movement is a celebration of your health, not a punishment.

She wants to teach you the technique and how to love sports, be consistent, and see results.

Awareness, movement, flexibility, discipline, and technique are all in one package.

Instagram: @shahar_fitness_movement



+351 965 245 692


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Nutritionist Portugal - All Rights Reserved
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